As a Medium, I have found that some people fully accept the notion of a “near-death experience,” others fully reject it, while most are in between the two extremes.  For some, the notion of one’s body floating, arriving at a lighted entrance, and then returning to their body after a traumatic event is beyond their ability to accept as fact.  

For others, their faith and trust in the lighted realm allow them to acknowledge the existence of this experience.   Wherever your truths exist, we all have questions.   Do we truly travel outside of our human body?   More importantly, why would we experience moving to this serene and lighted location and choose to return to our physical body?  

Before we arrive at the action that occurs during this experience, understanding an important aspect of the lighted realm is necessary.  Our physical body is our human form that utilizes a brain to think and create movement.   Our lighted body contains our higher self or some name it a spirit or soul.  There is no thinking that resides in our spirit but there is plenty of travel that takes place.   This is called astral travel.

Astral travel is when our spirit leaves our physical body and journeys to other realms of lighted existence. Our spirits travel to Heaven to visit loved ones or other places of tranquility.  Astral travel is a spirit’s happy place, refreshing and free!   A spirit’s happy travel occurs during our deepest sleep with a return before we awake and without any human awareness.  A spirit astral travels quite often it ventures out generally once or twice a week.  Understanding that a spirit does astral travel helps us to grasp how a person can describe floating and traveling in the air during a near-death experience. 

This lighted expedition occurs quickly and there is no advanced warning to the person that will encounter it.   Many near-death experiences begin with our bodies in the throes of some type of medical trauma.   The most general accounts of this experience happen with conditions that present themselves during a quick event such as a devastating accident or a surgical procedure.  At this moment the body’s vital signs either plummet or cease.  Astral travel now begins.

The spirit begins the journey moving away from its human form while the mind uses all of its senses to take in this environment. The human mind hears the talking and sees the commotion, along with its motionless body.  Both planes of existence are combined at that very moment in time.   The human mind is fully alert during this time and will be able to recount with full detail. 

No matter the trauma that precipitated this death no physical pain is felt when in between these two realms.   Our spirit is in full control and generally moves the body to the light source that presents itself.  Some see a tunnel of glorious light, while others follow the light that sings to them. 

Often, people having this out-of-body occurrence, have thoughts exchanged with beings from the lighted realm.  They could be trusted loved ones, or merely thoughts that they are absorbing talking to them. Through this event, there is no fear felt. The conversation that is exchanged is calming and never frightening.  Sometimes it is not a conversation that occurs but rather the deep knowledge that they must return to their physical form.  That the mission of their life’s work is not complete.   Even though our mind wants to remain in this glorious realm, there is always an understanding that we must go back.

Those that have a near-death experience always return to their human body. The return gives this experience meaning or purpose in their life and recounting it to those that are open to listen is very important. 

Moving back to the concrete medical explanation, death occurred, then life returned.  Next, that person who moved from death and back awakens and recounts with clarity their heavenly account.  That heavenly scenario and all its wonder speak to many of us who are open to the lighted realm while piquing curiosity from others.  A strong purpose for this event comes as a reminder to those that are open, we do not reside in the only realm.  There is a beautiful and very real existence that surrounds us and welcomes us home when it is our time.   It also creates a wonder that some may lean their faith into, a gentle reminder.

You can not go through an event of this magnitude and not ask, why me? Why did I need to come back?  What do I still need to accomplish?  Oftentimes, this event purposely moves us to stop and reflect on our current lives.   Instead of questions of why, moving to questions such as:  How can I make my life more meaningful?   What do I need to add or take away that will serve me and those around me?

For example, prior to this experience a person is completely consumed with work and duty and leaves very little time to nurture and grow relationships.  After this event, this person sees that time is a gift and decides to build healthier relationships, for that matters most in life.  Money does not create the peace and happiness that one needs.  

We all have our personal belief systems with regard to these two planes of existence.  Heaven and all its beauty exist in each one of us and never with the judgment of others.   We all possess the lighted understanding of a near-death experience for it is a collective knowledge that hums through each of our hearts.  We have the power to tap into our power anytime we choose and receive our lighted answers for no one is denied that access.  

If it’s Light it’s Right™

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