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Monthly Psychic Fair

October 11, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Is there a question that you need clarity on?

Are you curious with no specific question?

Do you have 10 minutes available for Zoom visit or a phone call?

Then you are ready for this unique Spirit Card Reading!

During a Spirit Card Reading, Cheryl utilizes a spiritual channel called “automatic writing” to ask any specific question or open guidance that you desire.  Automatic writing is hearing the message and writing down exactly what is told from Spirit. 

Throughout this lighted session, Cheryl uses a template to record Spirit’s message which she emails and explains while still together.  Every reading and every card are a unique conversation from the other side, for it is their spoken words to you.

Need some options to choose from?  Remember these are only options, for whether it’s a specific or an open ended question, all are granted with light and love💜. If it’s Light it’s Right!


  1. Guidance on my job or career ?
  2. Am I walking the path that I have intended?
  3. What does my Spirit need right now?
  4. Guidance on my love life or a relationship?
  5. Is relocating/moving a good idea right now?
  6. Message from Mom or a loved one that has passed.
  7. Specific question to Mom or a loved one that has passed.
  8. Interested in a past lifetime?
  9. Edit one of the questions above or choose your own question!!
  10. Open to Spirit option…Spirit is limitless with vision and guidance for you.

Spirit Card Readings add an extra lighted layer to your spiritual experience…Book one now!

Click here for more information or to BOOK now


October 11, 2023
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Event Category:
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