Do you find yourself over analyzing and complicating your decisions or daily routine? Would you like to tap into a place of light when a decision and clarity is needed? Do you wonder what this place of light might feel like?
This light providing guidance goes by many names such as higher self, higher power, intuition, sixth sense, spirit, psychic ability, or gut feeling, to name a few. They are all synonyms of the same lighted realm.

Just as we have human senses, we also have spiritual or psychic senses. Our five human senses are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching. Our psychic senses are called “clairs,” and they detect spiritual messages by energetically seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and knowing what is being communicated.
For example, if you asked a question and heard the word “yes” in your thoughts, your strongest clair might be hearing thoughts. If in response to your question you see a green light, that may indicate your visual clair is strongest. We generally have one clair that receives energetic communication more clearly, so identifying your dominant sense can help you know what to pay more attention to.
When moving into a lighted realm, it is of the utmost importance to clear yourself of Earthly chatter, noise and your own thinking as much as possible. Thinking can create confusion when you need lighted guidance. Almost like the proverbial lightbulb going off, lighted information darts right into your awareness via a clair. It just arrives. If you are busy thinking, you may miss the flash.
Suggestions to Move into Lighted Guidance
There are no rules or standard steps to follow to access a lighted space. Move with what feels right. Always take what you need and leave the rest. Here’s a few simple suggestions.
- Find a comfortable setting, a place free from distractions.
- Clear your thoughts. Play relaxing instrumental music with no words. If you meditate, move there. Light a candle and stare at the flame. Set your intent by saying the words “clear now” out loud. Actions and words that move you to “no thinking” are required for a foundation.
- Ask a question or for general guidance. Trust what comes right back. Lighted messages are received instantly.
- Trust. This may be the hardest step. Use the mantra: If it’s light it’s right.
Examples Using the Mantra
Using two very different examples of a simple question and a more complex one, both examples show thinking versus light responses. When you seek out a light feeling, you trust it is the right choice, however it arrives.
Example: Do I walk my dog tonight at 6:00 or 6:30pm?
Thinking response: Will something bad happen if I chose the wrong time?
Lighted response: 6:00pm feels light. ~ Trust ~ 6:00pm it is!
Example: My job is moving out of state. Do I follow or look for another job?
Thinking response: I always make the wrong decisions.
Lighted response: I have been needing a change, and it feels light to walk towards this opportunity. ~ Trust ~ I will keep my clairs open for more signs.
So, how do you find needed guidance and clarity when emotions such as fear and worry try to infiltrate? Trust the light that already exists within you during times of difficulty. Practice with simple questions to build your awareness of this lighted information, then give yourself the clarity you seek concerning your decisions by asking, “Does this feel light”? Trust the answer you receive. Acknowledge it, hold it, treasure it. If it’s light it’s right.